Frost Free Fridge Maintenance – Points To Be Considered !
When you troubleshoot your frost free fridge freezer, it is necessary to make sure that all below-mentioned components of the fridge are working properly. Door Seals Properly inspect the door seal of your fridge. Close the fridge and freezer’s door and have a proper inspection of all the four sides of your door seal to make sure that they are properly compressed and having a complete connection with sides of the fridge. Have proper inspection of rubber space of your fridge and if there is any type of crack and replace the door seals. Evaporator fan You can check the working of your evaporator fan either by holding your hand upon cool air outlet or by listening to the fan sound. If the fan is not working while the compressor is ON, then the fan is burned and you need a replacement. Electronic deforest the timer If your timer is faulty, then it must be replaced. For testing of Programmed defrost time, you always need a professional expertise. Though t...